After five waves of colonization over thousands of years very little has survived about the many histories of the different ethno-linguistic groups from the Archipelago. Back to present day we are in the midst of watching as products of the diaspora including Biala help us re-create our various cultures, traditions, memories, and stories from our people. Her writing enriches our history and I am thankful.
— Orchid

Upcoming Events

3 . 22 . 23

San Jose State University’s Hidden Life of Water

Hammer Theatre

4 . 20 . 23

SV Creates Town Hall & Conference

School of Arts and Culture at MHP

4 . 29 . 23

Legacy of Poetry 2023

San Jose State University, Student Union

Interested in having me perform?

4 . 27 . 23

Poetry Invitational 2023

San Jose Museum of Art